Brown may have brown hair, or wear brown shoes. People tune in because they see themselves
and the storyteller's personality woven into the story.Storytelling is a time-tested way of establishing trust
and rapport, and of cementing collaborative behaviors. You can be this way too. The story
paints a more vivid picture of the world than columns of numbers or facts can.
Good listeners also clarify without interrupting when they look for better understanding of what you
said.Eye contact is critical as well, as we "look" to understand someone, not just "listen".
For instance, Mr. They listen with their entire being and give vocal and nonverbal feedback
that they are listening--whether it is a nod, a smile, a slight cocking or tilting
of the head, squinting of the eyes, or grunting approval, wonder, amazement or dismay. Whatever
it is there is always something coming back from a good listener. And it does
so in a way that's more likely to inspire and motivate those who hear it.Secret
No. That's why expert storytellers are such effective and magnetic communicators. Brown, 925 silver you'll remember his
name by looking at his hair or his shoes, even if he's wearing a different
color.The key is to associate an object, concept, idea or event with the person's name
so that the moment you run into them the "thing" you've associated with them enters
your mind.Now that you know how to project magnetic confidence, enjoy the benefits you'll receive
in your personal and professional lives.Harrison Monarth and Dr. But those who have a deep
knowledge about a particular field, true experts, are projecting particularly powerful magnetism to others.When you
look at your own industry or profession, see what you can do to truly become
an expert in your field. One who could withstand the scrutiny of other experts in
your field during debate and provide unique angles and perspectives that can only be known
to someone who knows their field inside and out.Secret No. 1 Make it About OthersWe
often tend to look at communication with others from our very own unique "I" perspective.
5 Remember People's NamesIt's classic advice you've undoubtedly Tn Requin heard many times. Who hasn't been
in the situation where a complete stranger walks into a room full of people and
within seconds all eyes were on him or her and conversation has all but halted?And
as soon as this person opens their mouth and utters the first words, the fascination
reaches a fever-pitch and a palpable sense of magnetism exists between this person and others
in the room. Only then can you truly tailor your communication to their specific objectives
and land your message.Secret No. Actively make that association in your mind and the next
time you see Mr. And if you experience the fear of public speaking, you're more
likely to focus on yourself as you notice your worried thoughts and feelings.The most effective
communication occurs when we consider the other side's, our audience's, unique perspective and hear and
see our communication through their ears, eyes and unique perceptional filters. Here are 5 tips
to help.Secret No. In short, learn everything about your audience's perceptual modes and communicate with
them in the way they prefer. The more engaged you come across the more your
magnetism you will exude to your communication partners.Secret No. 2 Knowledge is SexyIt's great
when you can speak about many topics and have a basic understanding of pop culture,
current events and what is generally making the evening news. 3 Listen UpPeople who
are perceived as magnetic are often excellent listeners. It's also a powerful teaching tool. 4
Tell a Good StoryA story does what facts and statistics never can: it inspires
and it motivates. They translate complex ideas into practical examples laced with strong emotional connections.
How do you fare when it comes to remembering people's names after you've just met
them, be it at a business gathering or a social event?If you have trouble remembering
names, try using mnemonic devices like combining someone's last name with a color characteristic a
person displays. Larina Kase are the authors of the New York Times bestselling book The
Confident Speaker and founders of where you can take a charisma quiz as a
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